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Generating Least Privileged IAM Roles for CloudFormation and Service Catalog with cfn-leaprog

CloudFormation Development Process and Privilege As a developer works through the development of a CloudFormation template, they are likely working in a “sandbox” account where they have significant “power user” privileges.  This is convenient in order to allow the developer to focus on the business needs, but what happens when the same template is converged Read more…

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AWS CodePipeline Approval Gate Tracking

With the pursuit of DevOps automation and CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery), many companies are now migrating their applications onto the AWS cloud to take advantage of the service capabilities AWS has to offer. AWS provides native tools to help achieve CI/CD and one of the most core services they provide for that is AWS CodePipeline. Read more…

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Stelligent is an APN Launch Partner for the AWS Management Tools Addition to the AWS Service Delivery Program

Stelligent, an AWS Partner Network (APN) Advanced Consulting Partner specializing exclusively in DevOps Automation on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud, announce that it is a launch partner for four additional services in the AWS Service Delivery Program: AWS CloudFormation, AWS CloudTrail, AWS Config, and Amazon EC2 Systems Manager. This means that Stelligent has demonstrated a successful track record Read more…