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AWS CodePipeline Approval Gate Tracking

With the pursuit of DevOps automation and CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery), many companies are now migrating their applications onto the AWS cloud to take advantage of the service capabilities AWS has to offer. AWS provides native tools to help achieve CI/CD and one of the most core services they provide for that is AWS CodePipeline. Read more…

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AWS CodeStar – Quickly develop, build, and deploy applications on AWS

AWS CodeStar is a new service that changes the way development teams deliver software in AWS. CodeStar makes the process of setting up software applications for continuous delivery easier to manage through integrated authorization and access management, centralized member collaboration, and automated environment provisioning. 1 (1) “Working with AWS CodeStar Teams.” Working with AWS CodeStar Read more…

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Using Parameter Store with AWS CodePipeline

Systems Manager Parameter Store is a managed service (part of AWS EC2 Systems Manager (SSM)) that provides a convenient way to efficiently and securely get and set commonly used configuration data across multiple resources in your software delivery lifecycle. In this post, we will be focusing on the basic usage of Parameter Store and how Read more…