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AWS CodeBuild is Here

At re:Invent 2016 AWS introduced AWS CodeBuild, a new service which compiles from source, runs tests, and produces ready to deploy software packages.  AWS CodeBuild handles provisioning, management, and scaling of your build servers.  You can either use pre-packaged build environments to get started quickly, or create custom build environments using your own build tools.  CodeBuild Read more…

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Provision a hosted Git repo with AWS CodeCommit using CloudFormation

You’ll learn how to provision a CodeCommit Git repository in a CloudFormation template. Furthermore, you’ll discover how to automate the provisioning of a deployment pipeline that uses this repository as its Source action to deploy an application using CodeDeploy to an EC2 instance. You’ll see examples, patterns and a short video that walks you through the process. Read more…

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Refactoring CD Pipelines – Part 1: Chef-Solo in AWS AutoScaling Groups

We often overlook similarities between new CD Pipeline code we’re writing today and code we’ve already written. In addition, we might sometimes rely on the ‘copy, paste, then modify’ approach to make quick work of CD Pipelines supporting similar application architectures. Despite the short-term gains, what often results is code sprawl and maintenance headaches. This blog post series is aimed at helping to Read more…

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Containerized CI Solutions in AWS – Part 1: Jenkins in ECS

In this first post of a series exploring containerized CI solutions, I’m going to be addressing the CI tool with the largest market share in the space: Jenkins. Whether you’re already running Jenkins in a more traditional virtualized or bare metal environment, or if you’re using another CI tool entirely, I hope to show you Read more…

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Introduction to ServerSpec: What is ServerSpec and How do we use it at Stelligent? (Part1)

In this three-part series, I’ll explain ServerSpec infrastructure testing and how we use it at Stelligent, provide some concrete examples demonstrating how we use it at Stelligent, and discuss how Stelligent has extended Serverspec with custom AWS resources and matchers. We will also walk through writing some new matchers for an AWS resource. If you’re Read more…

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Deploying Kubernetes on CoreOS to AWS

Linux containers are a relatively new abstraction framework with exciting implications for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery patterns. They allow appropriately designed applications to be tested, validated, and deployed in an immutable fashion at much greater speed than with traditional virtual machines. When it comes to production use however, an orchestration framework is desirable to maintain Read more…

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Automating Habitat with AWS CodePipeline

This article outlines a proof-of-concept (POC) for automating Habitat operations from AWS CodePipeline. Habitat is Chef’s new application automation platform that provides a packaging system that results in apps that are “immutable and atomically deployed, with self-organizing peer relationships.”  Habitat is an innovative technology for packaging applications, but a Continuous Delivery pipeline is still required to automate deployments.  For Read more…

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ChefConf 2016

Highlights and Announcements ChefConf 2016 was held in Austin, TX last week, and as usual, Stelligent sent a few engineers to take advantage of the learning and networking opportunities. This year’s conference was a 4 day event with a wide variety of workshops, lectures, keynote speeches, and social events. Here is a summary of the Read more…