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Using Dependabot with AWS CodeCommit

Introduction In the DevSecOps world, maintaining code dependencies is key to acquiring the latest security vulnerability updates, bug fixes, and new features.  While locking down to “known-good” revisions of dependencies may avoid potential bugs and incompatibilities during continuous integration, critical updates could be missed.  Dependabot provides an automated solution to dependency management that can be Read more…

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Provision a hosted Git repo with AWS CodeCommit using CloudFormation

You’ll learn how to provision a CodeCommit Git repository in a CloudFormation template. Furthermore, you’ll discover how to automate the provisioning of a deployment pipeline that uses this repository as its Source action to deploy an application using CodeDeploy to an EC2 instance. You’ll see examples, patterns and a short video that walks you through the process. Read more…

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DevOps in AWS Radio: AWS CodeCommit and CodePipeline using CloudFormation (Episode 1)

In this episode, Paul Duvall and Brian Jakovich from Stelligent cover recent DevOps in AWS news and do a deep dive into automating the integration of AWS CodeCommit and CodePipeline using CloudFormation. Finally, they bring you into a Stelligent roundtable to discuss recent DevOps in AWS engagements with customers. About DevOps in AWS Radio On Read more…

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Create a Pipeline for Elastic Beanstalk in CodePipeline using CloudFormation and CodeCommit

In Building Continuous Deployment on AWS with AWS CodePipeline, Jenkins and AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS describes how to manually configure CodePipeline to deploy an Elastic Beanstalk application. In this post, after describing how to create and connect to a new CodeCommit repository, I’ll explain how to fully automate the provisioning of all of the AWS resources Read more…

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Automate CodeCommit and CodePipeline in AWS CloudFormation

Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently announced the integration of AWS CodeCommit with AWS CodePipeline. This means you can now use CodeCommit as a version-control repository as part of your pipelines! AWS describes how to manually configure this integration at Simple Pipeline Walkthrough (AWS CodeCommit Repository). One of the biggest benefits of using CodeCommit is its seamless Read more…