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Automating Habitat with AWS CodePipeline

This article outlines a proof-of-concept (POC) for automating Habitat operations from AWS CodePipeline. Habitat is Chef’s new application automation platform that provides a packaging system that results in apps that are “immutable and atomically deployed, with self-organizing peer relationships.”  Habitat is an innovative technology for packaging applications, but a Continuous Delivery pipeline is still required to automate deployments.  For Read more…

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ChefConf 2016

Highlights and Announcements ChefConf 2016 was held in Austin, TX last week, and as usual, Stelligent sent a few engineers to take advantage of the learning and networking opportunities. This year’s conference was a 4 day event with a wide variety of workshops, lectures, keynote speeches, and social events. Here is a summary of the Read more…

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Security Integration Testing (Part 3): Integrating with a Continuous Delivery pipeline

Continuous Security: Security in the Continuous Delivery Pipeline is a series of articles addressing security concerns and testing in the Continuous Delivery pipeline. This is the seventh article in the series. Introduction The purpose of this blog series is to show how AWS Config and Lambda can be used to add Security Integration tests to a Continuous Read more…

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Security Integration Testing (Part 2): Building and deploying a testing framework on AWS

Continuous Security: Security in the Continuous Delivery Pipeline is a series of articles addressing security concerns and testing in the Continuous Delivery pipeline. This is the fifth article in the series. Introduction The purpose of this blog series is to show how AWS Config and Lambda can be used to add Security Integration tests to a Continuous Read more…

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Security Integration Testing (Part 1): Resource Monitoring with AWS Config Rules

Continuous Security: Security in the Continuous Delivery Pipeline is a series of articles addressing security concerns and testing in the Continuous Delivery pipeline. This is the third article in the series. Introduction In a Continuous Delivery pipeline it is imperative to enforce infrastructure security policies and ensure that any new code or infrastructure changes don’t result Read more…