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AWS CodePipeline released, and there was much rejoicing

AWS can be a big tease. Last November at re:Invent, they announced AWS CodePipeline, an orchestration engine for builds. As they described it, I got more and more excited, up until the point they said it wouldn’t be released in mid-2015. Well, today might as well be Christmas, because CodePipeline has just been released and I am already figuring Read more…

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Getting to know the Chaos Monkey

Moving your infrastructure to the cloud changes the way you think about a lot of things. With the attitude of abundance that comes with having unlimited instances at your command, you can do all sorts of cool things that would be prohibitive with actual hardware: elastic scaling of infrastructure, transient environments, blue/green deployments, etc. Some Read more…

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NetFlix Unleashes Chaos Monkey – The First in its Simian Army

Today, NetFlix announced its first open source release in its Simian Army – the Chaos Monkey. The Chaos Monkey assumes that everything will fail…eventually. The Chaos Monkey runs, by default, on your Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) infrastructure and randomly terminates instances in Auto Scaling Groups. We wrote about some of the benefits of treating instances Read more…