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Automating ECS: Orchestrating in CodePipeline and CloudFormation (Part 2)

In this second and last part of this two-part series, I will demonstrate how to create a deployment pipeline in AWS CodePipeline to deploy changes to ECS images. In doing this, you’ll see not only how you can automate the creation of the infrastructure but also automating the deployment of the application and its infrastructure via Docker containers. This way you can commit infrastructure, application and deployment changes as code to your version-control repository and have these changes automatically deployed to production or production-like environments. Read more…

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Automating ECS: Provisioning in CloudFormation (Part 1)

In this two-part series, you’ll learn how to provision, configure, and orchestrate the EC2 Container Service (ECS) applications into a deployment pipeline that’s capable of deploying new infrastructure and code changes when developers commit changes to a version-control repository so that team members can release new changes to users whenever they choose to do so: Continuous Delivery. Read more…