Continuous security, compliance, and governance through CI/CD
Secure Environment Factory on AWS: Continuous security, compliance, and governance through CI/CD

Enterprises have identified great value in the adoption of the DevSecOps framework with its capability to deliver software and keep it updated in an automated and secure way. Yet building a successful implementation has proven to be challenging for large complex organizations. Many have seen success with small DevSecOps initiatives, but larger initiatives are failing to make significant impacts due to manual processes, lack of visibility between development and operations teams, never-ending sprawl of tools, and siloed workflows. Security and compliance have proven to be a large obstacle preventing the success of DevOps in the enterprise. Product and development teams are now able to move quickly but the processes for risk, security, change, and compliance have not evolved to match that speed and agility. As an enterprise, how do you fully automate the security workflow? How do you build agility into your security and compliance workflows? And how do you do this at the scale required?

The Mphasis Stelligent Secure Environment Factory delivers the capability for DevSecOps teams to define, develop, and publish validated environments that meet your enterprise’s security and compliance requirements. DevSecOps teams gain the capability to define and build standardized sets of controls and then validate that environments continuously meet those standards. The Secure Environment Factory integrates with your CI/CD workflow and ensures that all provisioned environments meet your security and compliance requirements. Application or operations teams are empowered to deploy validated environments and provide key feedback for security teams to continuously iterate and improve security.
AWS Audit Manager is a key component of the Secure Environment Factory giving you the capability to continuously audit your environments and assess risk. AWS Audit Manager gives you the confidence that deployed environments enforce your compliance and security controls.
Helping Security Enable Development and Growth Through Automation
Our mission is to help enterprises take a security-as-code approach to develop with confidence while focusing on business growth and development. To learn more, contact us.