
Automating ECS: Provisioning in CloudFormation (Part 1)

In this two-part series, you’ll learn how to provision, configure, and orchestrate the EC2 Container Service (ECS) applications into a deployment pipeline that’s capable of deploying new infrastructure and code changes when developers commit changes to a version-control repository so that team members can release new changes to users whenever they choose to do so: Continuous Delivery.
While the primary AWS service described in this solution is ECS, I’ll also be covering the various components and services that support this solution including AWS CloudFormationEC2 Container Registry (ECR), Docker, Identity and Access Management (IAM), VPC and Auto Scaling Services – to name a few. In part 2, I’ll be covering the integration of CodePipeline, Jenkins and CodeCommit in greater detail.
ECS allows you to run Docker containers on Amazon. The benefits of ECS and Docker include the following:

“ECS is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances. Amazon ECS eliminates the need for you to install, operate, and scale your own cluster management infrastructure.” [1] The reason you might use Docker-based containers over traditional virtual machine-based application deployments is that it allows a faster, more flexible, and still very robust immutable deployment pattern in comparison with services such as traditional Elastic Beanstalk, OpsWorks, or native EC2 instances.
While you can very effectively integrate Docker into Elastic Beanstalk, ECS provides greater overall flexibility.
The reason you might use ECS or Elastic Beanstalk containers with EC2 Container Registry over similar offerings such as Docker Hub or Docker Trusted Registry is higher performance, better availability, and lower pricing. In addition, ECR utilizes other AWS services such as IAM and S3, allowing you to compose more secure or robust patterns to meet your needs.
Based on the current implementation of Lambda, the reasons you might choose to utilize ECS instead of serverless architectures include:

I’ll be using a sample PHP application provided by AWS to demonstrate Continuous Delivery pipeline using ECS, CloudFormation and, in part 2, AWS CodePipeline.

Create and Connect to a CodeCommit Repository

While you can store your application code in any version-control repository, in this example, I’ll be using the AWS CodeCommit Git repository. I’ll be integrating CodeCommit with CodePipeline. I’m basing the code from the Amazon ECS PHP Simple Demo App located at
To create your own CodeCommit repo,  follow these instructions: Create and Connect to an AWS CodeCommit Repository. Take note of the repository name as you’ll be using it as a CloudFormation user parameter in part 2. I called my CodeCommit repository ecs-demo. You can call it the same but if you do name it something different, be sure to replace the samples with your repo name.
After you create your CodeCommit repo, copy the contents from the AWS PHP ECS Demo app and commit all of the files.
CodeCommit provides the following features and benefits[2]:

Create a Private Image Repository in ECS using ECR

You can create private Docker repositories using ECS Repositories (ECR) to store your Docker images. Follow these instructions to manually create an ECR: Create a Repository.
A snippet of the CloudFormation template for provisioning an ECR repo is listed below.


In defining an ECR, you can securely store your Docker images and refer to them when building, tagging and pushing these Docker images.
To launch the CloudFormation stack to create an ECR repository, click this button: . Your IAM username is a parameter to this CloudFormation template. You only need to enter the IAM username (and not the entire ARN) as the input value. Make note of the ECSRepository Output from the stack as you’ll be using this as an input to the ECS Environment Stack in part 2.


“Docker containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything you can install on a server. This guarantees that it will always run the same, regardless of the environment it is running in.” [3] In this demonstration, you’ll build, tag and push a PHP application as a Docker image into an ECR repository.

Build Docker Image and Upload to ECR Locally



  1. Install Docker on an Amazon Linux EC2 instance for which your AWS CLI has been configured (you can find detailed instructions at Install Docker)
    sudo yum update -y
    sudo yum install -y docker
    sudo service docker start
    sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user
  2. Logout and log back in and type:
    docker info
  3. Install Git:
    sudo yum -y install git*
  4. Clone the ECS PHP example application (if you used a different repo name, be sure to update the sample command here):
    git clone ssh://
  5. Change your directory:
    cd ecs-demo
  6. Configure your AWS account by running the command below and following the prompts to enter your credentials, region and output format.
    aws configure
  7. Run the command below to login to ECR.
    eval $(aws --region us-east-1 ecr get-login)
  8. Build the image using Docker. Replace REPOSITORY_NAME with the ECSRepository Output from the ECR stack you launched and TAG with a unique value. Make note of the name the image tag you’re using in creating the Docker image as you’ll be using it as a input parameter to a CloudFormation stack later. If you want to use the default value, just name it latest.
    docker build -t REPOSITORY_NAME:TAG .
  9. Tag the image (replace REPOSITORY_NAME, TAG and AWS_ACCOUNT_ID):
    docker tag REPOSITORY_NAME:TAG
  10. Push the tagged image to ECR (replace REPOSITORY_NAME, AWS_ACCOUNT_ID and TAG):
    docker push
  11. Verify the image was uploaded to your ECS Repository by going to your AWS ECS Console, clicking on Repositories and selecting the repository you created when you launched the ECS Stack.


“A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image. Using docker build users can create an automated build that executes several command-line instructions in succession.” [4] The snippet you see below is the Dockerfile to run the PHP sample application. You can see that it runs OS updates, installs the required packages including apache and PHP and then configures the HTTP server and port. While these are types of steps you might run in any automated build and deployment script, the difference is that it’s running these steps within a container which means that it runs very quickly, you can run these same steps across operating systems, and you can run these procedures across multiple tasks in a cluster.

FROM ubuntu:12.04
# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-get install -y git curl apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt php5-mysql
# Install app
RUN rm -rf /var/www/*
ADD src /var/www
# Configure apache
RUN a2enmod rewrite
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
ENV APACHE_LOG_DIR /var/log/apache2
CMD ["/usr/sbin/apache2", "-D",  "FOREGROUND"]

This Dockerfile gets run when you run the docker build command. This file has been committed to my CodeCommit repo as you can see in the figure below.

AWS CodeCommit repository for a PHP application illustrating Dockerfile location

Create an ECS Environment in CloudFormation

In this section, I’m describing the how to configure the entire ECS stack in CloudFormation. This includes the architecture, its dependencies, and the key CloudFormation resources that make up the stack.


The overall solution architecture is illustrated in the CloudFormation diagram below.

Provisioning, Configuring and Orchestrating an EC2 Container Service Architecture


There are four core dependencies in this solution: EC2 Key Pair, CodeCommit Repo, a VPC, and an ECR repo and Docker Image

ECS Cluster

With an ECS Cluster, you can manage multiple services. An ECS Container Instance runs an ECS agent that is registered to the ECS Cluster. To define an ECS Cluster in CloudFormation, use the Cluster resource: AWS::ECS::Cluster as shown below.


ECS Service

An ECS Service defines a task definition and a desired number of task instances. A service manages tasks of a specified task definition.
In the context of ECS, an ELB distributes load between the different EC2 instances hosting your tasks, so you can optionally create a new ELB when creating a service.
To define an ECS Service in CloudFormation, use the Service resource: AWS::ECS::Service.


Notice that I defined a DeploymentConfiguration with a MinimumHealthyPercent of 0. Since I’m only using one EC2 instance in development, the ECS service would fail during a CloudFormation update so by setting the MinimumHealthyPercent to zero, the application will experience a few seconds of downtime during the update. Like most applications/services these days, if I need to continual uptime, I’d increase the number of instances in my Auto Scaling Group and increase the MinimumHealthyPercent property.

Task Definition

With an ECS Task Definition, you can define multiple Container Definitions and volumes. With a Container Definition, you define port mappings, environment variables, CPU Units and Memory. An ECS Volume is a persistent volume to mount and map to container volumes.
To define an ECS Task Definition, use the ECS Task Definition resource: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition.


Auto Scaling

To define an Auto Scaling Group, use the Auto Scaling Group resource in CloudFormation: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup.


To define a Launch Configuration, use the Launch Configuration resource in CloudFormation: AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration.

                      "echo ECS_CLUSTER=",
                      " >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config"
                      "action=/opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -v ",
                      "         --stack ",
                      "         --resource ContainerInstances ",
                      "         --region ",



To define an IAM Instance Profile, use the InstanceProfile resource in CloudFormation: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile.


To define an IAM Role, use the IAM Role resource in CloudFormation: AWS::IAM::Role. The snippet below is for the EC2 role.


The snippet below is for defining the ECS IAM role.



To define security group ingress within a VPC, use the SecurityGroupIngress resource in CloudFormation: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress.


To define the security group egress within a VPC, use theSecurityGroupEgress resource in CloudFormation: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress.


To define the security group within a VPC, use the SecurityGroup resource in CloudFormation: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup.

        "GroupDescription":"Sample source security group",


To define the ELB, use the LoadBalancer resource in CloudFormation: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer.



In this first part of the series, you learned how to use CloudFormation to fully automate the provisioning of the EC2 Container Service and Docker which includes ELB, Auto Scaling, and VPC resources. You also learned how to setup a CodeCommit repository.
In the next and last part of this series, you’ll learn how to orchestrate all of the changes into a deployment pipeline to achieve Continuous Delivery using CodePipeline and Jenkins so that any change made to the CodeCommit repo can be deployed to production in an automated fashion. I’ll provide access to all the code resources in part 2 of this series. Let us know if you have any comments or questions @stelligent or @paulduvall.
Stelligent is hiring! Do you enjoy working on complex problems like figuring out ways to automate all the things as part of a deployment pipeline? Do you believe in the “everything-as-code” mantra? If your skills and interests lie at the intersection of DevOps automation and the AWS cloud, check out the careers page on our website.


Here’s a list of some of the resources described in this post:


My colleague Jeff Bachtel provided the thoughts on reasons why some teams might choose to use Docker and ECS over serverless. I also used several resources from AWS including the PHP sample app, the Introduction to AWS CodeCommit video, the CodePipeline Starter Kit and the ECS CloudFormation snippets.

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