
Business Continuity and Covid-19

How Stelligent works (and will continue to work) with you

We are a remote-first company and will continue to support all our customers using the best practices we have developed over the last decade. We continue to provide our consulting services from home with no interruption or reduced productivity.

We’re here to help

We offer Premier consulting and DevOps Automation services on the AWS cloud. We’re here to help you quickly respond to business challenges as they evolve.

Please keep in touch

We’re sad that we won’t see you in person at AWS Re:MARS and recently cancelled AWS regional events. We are hosting a series of webinars including ones that show how enterprises can leverage AWS WorkSpaces for supporting remote employees serving your end customers.

Sharing our remote-first culture

All of our employees work from home, providing cloud consulting services to the public sector and corporations all over the United States. We love our remote culture, but the arrangement has its challenges. We’re publishing a series of articles to share our insights with everyone who may be facing those challenges for the first time.

Finally, we wish all of you the best during this trying time. Please reach out if we can be of help. | Contact Form