
Deployment Pipeline Compliance and Control – a Service-based Approach

Pipeline interaction with cfn_nag and deployment services

Deployment Pipelines – Introduction

The software “deployment pipeline” has become a common mechanism in the modern enterprise.  A deployment pipeline is a sequence of automation that produces or deploys a software artifact.  This artifact can take many forms, for example, a programming library, a web application, or even automation to converge infrastructure and security controls.  The sequence of actions includes some variation of static analysis, test automation, packaging, certification, and deployment. As a concrete example, consider a pipeline to deliver a Rails web application.  The pipeline may run rubocop, RSpec tests, package a Docker image, push the image to ECR with a certification label and then deploy to an ECS cluster on AWS.

A common pattern is for the specification of the pipeline to live with or near the source code of the artifact to be delivered.  This makes perfect sense; it’s very similar to storing the build automation – a Makefile, build.xml, etc. at the root of the repository for a given artifact.  Anything necessary to build and deliver a product should ideally be stored alongside that product so that it’s more clear that they must evolve together. As a concrete example, the pipeline specification for the Stelligent static analysis tool cfn_nag is stored in the repository alongside the code that it packages and deploys

Pipelines and Compliance Issues

While this storage pattern has value, it can create a compliance problem for organizations. Consider an enterprise with a compliance requirement that every software artifact is scanned with a security tool.  For a mature two pizza box team at a startup, there’s likely nothing more to this story. The developers deem they want to do an inspection with a security tool before release, so they bake it into the pipeline and it’s done.  At a large enterprise with a diversity of teams and technical stacks, this is a challenge. If there are thousands of “snowflake” pipelines spread out across thousands of repositories, what is the scalable mechanism for enforcement?

Publishing compliance guidelines and trusting development teams to do the right thing is not a viable option especially around security controls.  It’s an invitation for negligence and even malevolence. At the very least, not all development teams have the same level of maturity to execute written compliance guidelines.  At many enterprises where the stakes are high, proof of compliance is necessary, not just trust.

Centralization of Control to Support Compliance

A centralized compliance team that controls the definitions of pipelines can enforce compliance.  While this chokepoint provides a solution for compliance issues, it is not scalable and would likely be ruinous for the velocity of any given development team depending on those pipelines. 

The important question then becomes how to enforce pipeline compliance while allowing decentralized control?

Patterns for Decentralization of Control with Compliance

There are a few distinctive patterns to bridge the gap between the extremes of full centralization with compliance and full decentralization with no compliance:

The rest of this article will explore ideas and examples around the implementation of the Pipeline Services pattern.  

Pipeline Services Pattern

The advantage of the Pipeline Services pattern is that control of the pipeline itself is decentralized and in the hands of development teams, while the compliance activities can still be enforced from a centralized authority.  The compliance team has control over the services and the inspection rules they provide. The tradeoff is in the complexity of developing and operating such services. Understanding and applying the mechanisms of proof also involves added complexity.

As a simple example, consider the static analysis tool cfn_nag.  It accepts a CloudFormation template as input and scans it for obvious security violations.  A compliance organization at an enterprise might decree that all CloudFormation templates deployed to AWS must pass a cfn_nag scan without any failing violations.  In order to satisfy this decree via the Pipeline Services pattern, the compliance team would deploy and operate a “cfn_nag service”.

Figure 1: Pipeline interaction with cfn_nag and deployment services

High-level Description of cfn_nag Service 

To support the Pipeline Services pattern, the cfn_nag service must provide a mechanism to prove that it was invoked.  At a high level, the service:

In addition to the cfn_nag service, there must be some kind of deployment service or deployment gate that accepts the digitally signed response.  This deployment service uses the cfn_nag service’s public key to validate the signature and deploys the template embedded in the document.

Figure 2: Successful sequence of validating and deploying Cloudformation template

End-User Workflow

Given the existence of such a cfn_nag service, the flow of events in a compliant pipeline with decentralized control would include:

  1. A developer commits a change to code – in this case a CloudFormation template
  2. The pipeline, controlled by the development team, triggers and makes a request to the cfn_nag service, controlled by the Compliance team, passing the template in the body of the request
  3. The service runs cfn_nag against the template
  4. The service returns a document that includes the template, the rules applied to the template and the result all signed together
  5. The pipeline does whatever else the development team wants
  6. When it comes time to deploy the template, the pipeline sends a request to a Deployment Service containing the template and the signed results
  7. The Deployment service uses the cfn_nag service’s public key to verify the signature
  8. If the signature is invalid, deployment is rejected
  9. If the signature is valid, the template is deployed to AWS

Details of an Example Conversation

The following demonstrates the actual request-response conversation between the client in the pipeline and the cfn_nag service.  The client in the pipeline sends a CloudFormation template in the request to cfn_nag service:

See the gist on github.

The service returns the JSON response:

See the gist on github.

This response is perhaps less than satisfying in its current form.  There are two elements, the encoded results and the digital signature for those results, both encoded in base64.  The results themselves are encoded in base64 to avoid any unpleasantries with whitespace – the signature will match up with the encoded results.  Decoding the “base64 mess” reveals a more interesting structure:

See the gist on github.


As the set of rules for an inspection tool evolves over time, it’s critical to sign the list of rules applied alongside the artifact under test and the results.  Otherwise, at some future date, it will be impossible to tell if the new set of rules was applied, or the old set of rules was applied. Additionally, there is a requirement that rules be immutable to some degree so that a rule executed in the past will yield the same result in the present or future. The results are specified, the rules applied to the template and the template itself.  A deployment gate would likely reject this template given it has no encryption.

Verification of Signatures

For the sake of argument, consider the situation where the violations are only warnings or there are no violations.  The next step for a deployment gate is to verify the signature. In the above example conversation, the signature is actually computed with the ed25519 algorithm (but any asymmetric cryptographic system can be used).  Example code from rbnacl/libsodium below verifies the signature. Under the hood, the signature is decrypted with cfn_nag’s public key, the hash of the results_encoded is computed, and the two are compared for agreement.

See the gist on github.

cfn_nag Service Implementation

A working prototype implementation of the described cfn_nag service is available at

This implementation provides a Docker image that can be deployed in an ECS cluster or the like, or as an AWS Lambda function.

Further Research

The CloudFormation template and cfn_nag are a relatively simple demonstration of the Pipeline Services pattern.  It’s “easy” to pass the template around as the distribution alongside proof of inspection. Theoretically, something similar could be done for a binary package like a JAR or a Ruby gem – signing the distribution with a native packaging mechanism or by including some kind of manifest with a signature.  

On the other hand, there are some hurdles.  The cfn_nag tool is open-source and free, but what of expensive scanning tools with oppressive licenses?  Also, how might an “opaque” distribution like a machine image (AMI) or Docker image communicate proof? If a computing resource is created from a machine image, what are the transient details of the instantiation that need to be captured and proven?  Some kind of system of record trusted by the inspection service and the deployment gates would likely be necessary? This system of record for proving the outcomes of inspection likely deserves further research. Existing CI/CD tools are notoriously transient and bad at being “systems of record”, so this possibly points to a new important element in the CI/CD ecosystem for when the number of pipelines scales up.


The proliferation of “snowflake” pipelines within the enterprise presents a problem for compliance, especially with respect to security controls.  The extremes of control, centralized and decentralized, can cause undesirable trade-offs between compliance and development velocity. It is proposed that a service-based approach powered by inspection services with digital signatures can afford development teams the power to control their own pipelines while still providing proof of compliance with enterprise-wide standards.