
DevOps on AWS Radio: AWS Serverless Adoption with Tom McLaughlin (Episode 23)

In this episode, Paul Duvall covers recent DevOps on AWS news along with a discussion with Tom McLaughlin, founder of the consultancy ServerlessOps. The two dive deep into all things serverless including; use cases, serverless adoption curve, organization structures, serverless security, and more!

Here are the show notes:

DevOps on AWS News

Episode Topics

  1. Tom McLaughlin intro & background
  2. Basics of serverless
    1. AWS 4 points
      1. No servers, VMs, or containers to provision or manage
      2. Pay Per Use Model
      3. Scales with usage
      4. Availability and fault tolerance built-in
  3. Use cases (ops cases)
    1. Anything and everything I want to automate
    2. Periodic (cron) jobs
    3. Compliance checks
    4. “Information direction”
  4. How/when do you see Serverless being adopted by enterprises? Where are we on the adoptive curve?
    1. Hybrid adoption
      1. One of many approaches within the Org
      2. Hockey stick v. rocket ship (Kubernetes)
  5. Serverless as “Cloud 2.o”
  6. Startups
  7. Deployment pipelines for Serverless web applications?
  8. How do the operations function change when developing Serverless apps?
    1. “Product pods”, “feature teams”
    2. Multi-disciplinary teams
      1. PM, design, dev, and ops
  9. Serverless and Security
  10. FinDev/ Simon Wardley
  11. How can people learn more about you?
    1. Ebook!
    2. Newsletter
    3. Twitter: @tmclaughbos, @serverlessopsIO
    4. ServerlessDays Atlanta

Additional Resources

About DevOps on AWS Radio

On DevOps on AWS Radio, we cover topics around applying DevOps principles and practices such as Continuous Delivery on the Amazon Web Services cloud. This is what we do at Stelligent for our customers. We’ll bring listeners into our roundtables and speak with engineers who’ve recently published on our blog and we’ll also be reaching out to the wider DevOps on AWS community to get their thoughts and insights.

The overall vision of this podcast is to describe how listeners can create a one-click (or “no click”) implementation of their software systems and infrastructure in the Amazon Web Services cloud so that teams can deliver software to users whenever there’s a business need to do so. The podcast will delve into the cultural, process, tooling, and organizational changes that can make this possible including:

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