
DevOps on AWS Radio: AWS in Action – Michael and Andreas Wittig (Episode 18)

In this episode, Paul Duvall and Brian Jakovich cover recent DevOps on AWS news along with a discussion with Michael and Andreas Wittig who are the authors of the best selling book, Amazon Web Services in Action. 

Here are the show notes:

DevOps on AWS News


Episode Topics

  1. Your backgrounds and interests
  2. Overview of the book and what’s new in the 2nd edition
  3. Writing process? How long?
  4. As an enterprise, what are your top 3 (or whatever) recommendations on what to do to be most successful on AWS 
  5. As an enterprise, what are your top 3 (or whatever) recommendations to avoid when moving to AWS
  6. Tips for affecting large-scale change to AWS in enterprises
  7. Tell me about your company and the type of work you typically perform on behalf of your customers
  8. Blog, Open Source, etc.

Additional Resources

About DevOps on AWS Radio

On DevOps on AWS Radio, we cover topics around applying DevOps principles and practices such as Continuous Delivery on the Amazon Web Services cloud. This is what we do at Stelligent for our customers. We’ll bring listeners into our roundtables and speak with engineers who’ve recently published on our blog and we’ll also be reaching out to the wider DevOps on AWS community to get their thoughts and insights.
The overall vision of this podcast is to describe how listeners can create a one-click (or “no click”) implementation of their software systems and infrastructure in the Amazon Web Services cloud so that teams can deliver software to users whenever there’s a business need to do so. The podcast will delve into the cultural, process, tooling, and organizational changes that can make this possible including:

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