
Stelligent Sessions at re:Invent 2017!

The annual Amazon Web Services conference, re:Invent took place in Las Vegas, Nevada. With over 40,000 attendees this year re:Invent 2017 was the biggest yet. With the sheer volume of activities and sessions that went on throughout the week, it was tricky to know where to invest your time. Stelligensia presented four sessions with various people from the AWS community, AWS employees, and two sessions featuring our customers, 3M and Verizon. 

DVC303 – Technological Accelerants for Organizational Transformation 
Featuring Paul Duvall, CTO of Stelligent 
Monday, Nov 27, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM – Venetian, Level 3, San Polo 3405 

Developers and management can seem at cross purposes when one group looks at technologies and the other looks at organizational issues. Both groups are looking for ways to deliver value faster, leaner, and at less cost. There are technological avenues for accomplishing these goals, including DevOps and serverless architectures. However, these approaches also have organizational implications, as they change the nature and content of communication between teams. In this session, we cover the technology benefits and organizational transformations involved in DevOps and serverless architectures.   

FSV308 – Culture Shift: How to Move a Global Financial Services Organization to a DevOps Operating Model 
Featuring Jonny Sywulak, Senior Devops Automation Engineer at Stelligent 
Monday, Nov 27, 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM – Venetian, Level 5, Palazzo P 

Many enterprises that follow regulated, process-driven workflows would like to take advantage of the innate features and benefits of AWS to become more agile, achieve operational excellence, and accelerate time-to-market while leveraging a DevOps culture and development methodology. But building a mature DevOps capability doesn’t happen overnight. Creating and implementing testing, compliance, and security automation frameworks requires time and organizational and process changes. Financial institutions are addressing this challenge by using AWS Service Catalog to help bridge the gap between traditional operations and true DevOps. 

DEV332 – Using AWS to Achieve Both Autonomy and Governance at 3M 
Featuring Casey Lee, Chief Architect at Stelligent 
Tuesday, Nov 28, 1:45 PM – 2:45 PM – Venetian, Level 4, Delfino 4002 

There is a constant tension between empowering teams to be agile through autonomy and enforcing governance policies to maintain regulatory compliance. Hear from Nathan Scott, Senior Consultant at AWS and James Martin, Automation Engineering Manager at 3M on how they have achieved both autonomy and governance through self-service automation tools on AWS. Learn how to avoid pitfalls with building the CI/CD team, right sizing and how to address. This session will also feature a demo from Casey Lee, Chief Architect at Stelligent on the tools used to accomplish this for 3M, including AWS Service Catalog, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CodePipeline and Cloud Custodian, an open source tool for managing AWS accounts. 

DEV403 – Security Validation through Continuous Delivery at Verizon 
Featuring Chuck Dudley, VP of Services at Stelligent 
Friday, Dec 1, 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM – Venetian, Level 5, Palazzo L 

In this session, Verizon and Stelligent demonstrates techniques and approaches on how to validate your security infrastructure during the development process through Continuous Security, and how to keep it that way through AWS Lambda auto-remediation. Verizon and Stelligent present a hands-on demo of these techniques, and a deep dive into the code that enables these technologies. 

As an added bonus, if you mention the Stelligent blog to any of us afterward, we have stickers and webcam covers to give away! 
Looking for some time away from the crowds to speak with Stelligent? Drop us a note and we can schedule time at the Stelligent Suite at the Venetian. 

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