
Continuous Delivery in AWS tools we use

On a routine basis, we get asked which tools we use at Stelligent in delivering our solutions. Sometimes it’s a company interested in our services. Other times, it’s someone going though our hiring process (yes, we are hiring!). So, I’ve put together a list of the tools that we use in implementing Continuous Delivery in Amazon Web Services (AWS). All of our work is in AWS so if AWS provides a service in a particular category of tools, we tend to use their service. Furthermore, we help our customers embrace the DevOps mindset. So, while what we provide our customers is much more sweeping than “just” automating software infrastructure and systems, the focus of this particular article is only on the tools we use and how we typically use them on engagements. As with most tools, all of this work is a means to an end. For our customers, the end is the ability to deliver new features to users whenever they choose to do so without anxiety that something will go wrong.
We are very customer driven so what I’m describing is what we might do on a typical engagement.
On a typical engagement, we use something like 20+ AWS services. We typically interface with these services through AWS’ Developer & Management tools such as CloudFormation, OpsWorks the SDKs and CLI along with some non-AWS tools. We’ve avoided “lift and shift” efforts as everything we do is about fully automating our customers’ infrastructure and their software delivery process – not moving from one opaque configuration to another. Here’s a run down of the tools that we typically use on engagements (in no particular order):
Developer Tools

Management Tools


Storage & Content Delivery



Security & Identity

Application Services & Testing

In conclusion – and to be clear – there are many more tools we have used on engagements so I’ve limited this article to what we might commonly use and I’ve probably missed a few obvious tools that we do use regularly. Each customer has different needs and tool constraints.