
Elastic Operations – Scale Engineers in the Cloud

I’m happy to announce that we’re now offering Elastic Operations.  Elastic Operations is a managed service that eliminates all your hardware and replaces it with a reliable, scalable cloud supported by Operations Engineers. 

You get self-service provisioning, build, deployment, database administration, issue tracking, and system monitoring — all managed by our expert engineers at one flat rate per month.

Your flat rate is based on the number of applications you’d like to manage with Elastic Operations.  And you can scale these experts up and down on a monthly basis, just like you do with Cloud Computing.

We offer various flat-rate plans for development operations, testing, and production. By utilizing 100% automation and the commodization of hardware via the cloud, we offer drastically reduced prices over traditional operations teams who manage data centers.

What applications would you like to manage better?  Sign up for Elastic Operations today, and your applications could be up and running in the cloud tomorrow. Check out the one-minute video on Elastic Operations here


To get more information on Elastic Operations or Stelligent, send an email to

P.S. Use our Cloud ROI Calculator to learn how much you can save when moving to an Automated Operations Cloud.